Sarah Caillard’s work is proteiform, consisting of drawings, photographs, sculptures, videos and installations. These different practices complement each other to create different levels of readings, temporalities and materialities within the work.
Sarah explores the underlying mechanisms in our construction as individuals within a society and the roles that the imaginary plays in our perception of others and ourselves. Inspired by the philosophy of Bergson and Bachelard, Jungian psychoanalytical principles and an interest in metaphysics, esotericism and the “merveilleux”, she looks for narrative and/or visual motifs at work throughout history and which belong to the collective imagination. Those present in myths, legends... but also in contemporary entertainment and cultural phenomena. These motifs or patterns reveal sensitive codes that are transmitted to us without our knowledge and participate in our construction. Sarah sees them as ghostly figures that pass through us without ever belonging to us. From these elements she builds a mythology where gestures, states, emotions and symbols become characters.
This mythology unfolds into an atlas of figures of the otherness present in us, as many facets that define the individual as a multiple entity. These figures, mostly female or non-gendered, evolve in fictional and real-life narratives that explore the influences, sources, and imaginary and tangible references that represent them. Embodied in sculpture, these different figurative representations are not divisible from each other, but complement each other to evoke the complexity and plurality of being. Their physical and/or psychic presence is defined by the choice of their materiality: concrete, transparent resin, retro-reflective fabric (...) can thus represent different instances of the “self”. These figures evolve in phantasmagorical places and situations through drawings and videos. In these videos, models and installations are used as sets, and sculptures become props. She uses the aesthetics of everyday forms of expression (YouTube clips, Instagram stories) which she combines with low-fi special effects and DIY sets (such as green screen, inlay techniques, model making, costumes, etc.). She thus preserves the fragility of these gestures as much as their magical potential.
These different processes are brought together in installations that designate a point of view to position the spectator as a witness, voyeur or seer. Access to these different elements makes it possible to make visible the different readings of the same “object”, in the manner of a triple gaze: real, symbolic and phantasmagorical; as many positions and perceptions that inscribe a being in a fictitious relationship where it becomes the infinite subject of interpretations and projections.
June 2023
Lavender Snows
la Traverse, 16 Traverse Saint-Hélène, 13007 Marseille
September 2023
Casting, 10N Bruxelles
Fuite Romanesque
Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris
Wayfarer The Cabin, Los Angeles USA, february 2019 with Douglas Eynon
Boo who 76,4, 24 rue de Bosnie, Bruxelles Permanently visible from the street.
Hosted by Michel François, Ekaterina Kaplunova, Juan Pablo Plazas and Richard Venlet.
La nuit Américaine Wonder-liebert, Paris France, december 2017 an invitation of Mahalia Kohnke-Jehl 2017
The apple of my eyes 51 rue de la carpe, Molenbeek Belgium, september 2017
Napoli Corrida Gand, Belgium april 2016
Novembre Island, Bruxelles november 2015
Galerie Huberty & Breyne, Bruxelles, Belgique
CDA d’Enghien-Les-Bains, France
December 2021 At Camoufleur Lille, France
Des choses vraies qui font semblant d’être des faux-semblants
La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France, from november 2021 to 13 february 2022
Commissariat : Michel François
Une proposition du Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles
Espace Vanderborgh, Bruxelles, Belgium
october 2021 to 16 january 2022
Des choses vraies qui font semblant d’être des faux semblants Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris october 2020, curation by Michel François
Horst art and music, Zaventem, Belgium, juillet 2020
Puurs Biennale Puurs Belgium, january and february 2019
Present, museum and garden Van Buuren Brussels Belgium, 24 june to september 2018, curated by Michel Van Dyck
Salle des pas perdus Le Doc, Paris, France, march 2018 curated by Michel Francois and Richard Venlet
Résurgences espace 251 nord, Liège Belgium, november 2017, february 2018 Curated by Laurent Jacob
Les nonantes-et-une nuits exposition des résidents du RAVI, Liège Belgium march 2017
LEŽERNA RAZMJENA BEZ PANIKE Chalarma, Sarajevo Bosnia march 2017
Balls and Glory Galerie Rodolphe Janssen, Bruxelles January 2016
It’s not an opening just a peek Fondation Moonens,Bruxelles June 2015
Houston Island,Bruxelles February 2015
Vive l’été 2, Rue de la régence, Bruxelles, June 2014 Curated by Damien Delepeleire
Alias Trademart Bruxelles, June 2014
Exposition national pop up store Bruxelles, May 2014 Curated by Angel Vergara
A posteriori Atelier 340, Bruxelles Juin 2013
No milk today Kunsthalle HB55, Berlin, Allemagne May 2013
Pas bientôt Rockrill, Charleroi, Belgium January 2013
Shifting ground Zebra, Gand, Belgium, January 2011 Curated by Geoffroy De Volder, Kendel Geers and Patrick Codenys
Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris, september 2022 to july 2023
(with the support of WBI Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles and Centre Wallonie Bruxelles Paris)
La Brea studio residency, Los Angeles USA, december 2018 to february 2019
(with the support of WBI fédération Wallonie Bruxelles)
Le Grand Phare, Belle île en mer, France, march 2018
RAVI, liège, january to march 2017
Fondation moonens, Bruxelles, Belgium, september 2014 to june 2015
Lauréate bourse de la fondation Moonens, 2014
“les contempo raines” Elle Belgium, April 2018
Art Viewer
Brussel Nieuws
Focus Le Vif
En attendant l’année dernière-Espace 251 nord, archives actives 2019